Discover the secrets behind high-performing blogs! This powerful blogging and magazine theme was created just for you!
Amazing, fast-loading modern blog theme for personal or editorial use. Built on core WordPress features, this theme is crafted from top to bottom. Ready for the next stage of editing – the Gutenberg, but easily used without it. Add events with Events Calendar. Super-fast loading. Great for small blogs or high-profiled magazines.
Yes, that’s right! The whole theme and all of its goodies like Gutenberg support, Events Calendar support, PSDs and extensive documentation is for grabs only for 29$ as a limited time offer. Do not hesitate, I am here for you if you have any questions or need a helping hand!
Inspired by a contemporary modern blog like Airbnb Design, Surface Magazine, Yetzer or Tookapic, this theme is bound to be perfect for your readers. It is fashionable, easy-to-use and the readability is amazing. Enhanced with Schema, it is great for SEO too! Do not forget – the future is here and if you want to use the new Gutenberg editor that will soon be baked into WordPress, you can! Or stick with the standard editor, it works seamlessly with both!
Insider WordPress Theme Features:

Beautiful typography
Amazing layout
Works with standard or Gutenberg editor
Responsive: Mobile-ready
Super-fast performance
Infinite “Load more articles” functionality with AJAX
Smooth page transitions
Google fonts
Lazy loading
Social buttons
Events with Events Calendar
Events search bar
Light or dark? Customize your colors!
Extensive documentation
Slim – loads resources only where needed
Powered by framework by a senior reviewer
Developed with SEO in mind

If you are switching themes, you will see that this theme just works out of the box! Fear not and try it now! No need to build blocks for the advanced magazine layout that you see on the frontpage of Insider’s demo. Your posts are put into the grid automatically.
Thank you for checking Insider out! It was a great experience designing and developing it. I hope you can see the love in it and enjoy it as much as I did creating it!

Insider 1.5 – Contemporary Magazine and Blogging Theme

Version: 1.5
Updated: Feb 02, 2024
This is the same item as distributed by the developer here: Themeforest

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  • We regularly update products as soon as we are notified about an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site, but In case the current version of the product is not the latest, You can request an update for the product by contact form.
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  • We don’t offer any additional author services like author’s support and license keys and we are not affiliated or in any way related to third-party developers or trademark owners. If you want to know more about GNU / GPL License, CLICK HERE.
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